“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
― Anais Nin
© Egon Schiele
Where healing modalities such as physiotherapy and chiropractic employ hands-on techniques to work with your physical muscles and joints, energy healing involves the use of chakra realignment techniques to bring your entire being back into balance. Distance intuitive energy healings thus assist you in achieving greater mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.
Simply put, chakras—translated from Sanskrit to wheels or disks—are energy centres found within and around your body. Though invisible to the eye, these wheels spin as they absorb, emit, detoxify and distribute energy—also known as qi in Chinese medicine, or prana in Ayurvedic disciplines—throughout the body. There are seven (main) chakras in total, each relating to a different bundles or nerves and certain internal organs. Each chakra emits its own unique (ever-changing) vibration, some whirring faster than others.
If you have a perfect energy flow coursing through your body—well done, you—your chakras will be in harmony, reflected in your enviously perfect state of perpetual wellbeing. But sometimes life happens, challenges inevitably emerge, and our chakras fall into states of disharmony, in turn leading to physical pain, emotional unrest, and spiritual despair.
During your distance intuitive energy healing, I (lovingly) manipulate, restore and rebalance the flow of energy in your body. First, I remove any stale or stagnant energies, often byproducts of unresolved traumas, both new and old. Then, I replenish each of your chakras with fresh, healing prana—AKA life force. Please note that I do not heal you, nor do I maintain diagnostic authority. Rather, I help to activate your body’s own innate healing power, allowing and empowering you to heal yourself.
*In person healings are available upon request, though please be aware that sessions of this nature are subject to my schedule and current location.
What are the benefits of intuitive energy healing?
Awakens your innate healing abilities.
Clears damaging behavioural patterns.
Promotes inner harmony and balance.
Helps to process and release feelings of grief in times of loss.
Dissolves energy blocks in your system.
Removes stagnant energies that can cause emotional and physical disease.
Assists your body in cleansing itself from toxins.
Helps to support the immune system.
Leaves you feeling more attuned to yourself.
Supports spiritual growth and emotional cleansing.
Delivery: Distance (+ in person upon request)
Duration: 1 hour
Price: $130AUD
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